Friday, April 9, 2010

You're My Inspiration

Wow...what a fun, Tina Fey-filled week. The premiere of Date Night was super fun, only to be topped off with a visit to Regis and Kelly (thanks to my friend Monica) to once again see Tina Fey. Ok, let's get the obvious questions out of the way. Regis and Kelly are super nice: they go out into the audience during the breaks and seem happy to talk to the audience. I talked to Reg, since I saw him at the premiere the night before (well, I did from afar) so we bonded over the film. Kelly IS thin, but really looks good and healthy. Tina was funny of course and the other guests were Andie McDowell (sp?) and a special appearance by Michael J. Fox which was awesome since I loved him since Family Ties.

All in all it was fun, but I wasn't star struck at the premiere, although Hugh Jackman is super hot in person. Is it because I'm a New Yorker? Is it because I have worked at celebrity event before? Who knows, but I am, super lucky to be able to experience all the things I have. But being blase about seeing stars isn't let me tell you my embarrassing story about meeting my number one idol, Judd Apatow.

I believe it was the summer of 2008. Knocked Up was hit,and I officially fell in love with Judd Apatow's writing. Although I think 40YOV was a funnier movie, I just really loved how he wrote this film. I thing the friends in the movie reminded me of my friends and how we relate to things. The dialogue, scripted or improvised, felt like something I wrote. I loved the music he chose. I literally watched the DVD over 50 times, mostly watching it with the commentary on to get a better feel for his process (note: basically the commentary is just full of stories and jokes). I feel like if he met me, he would think I'm cool, you know?

So....this was just before SuperBad and he wasn't uber famous yet, and I read that he was being honored at the Nantucket Film Festival. I had never heard of it before, but having been to Nantucket, just a 40 min Jet Blue flight away, I knew I had to go and meet him. It was a bold move. My friend backed out at the last minute, so I wound up going solo. Ironically enough, I flew up with the founder of the festival and we became fast friends and he introduced me to a lot of people. That was worth it if anything.

But then the time came to meet Judd. There was a very nice ceremony on Jetty's Beach, hosted by Brian Williams, who is not only smoking hot, but as funny as any of the comedians on the room...he's a catch. Again, Judd was popular, but I don't think he was familiar to the "Nantucket Crowd." He wasn't being hounded, so I saw my chance to bombard him! I think I literally knocked down Meg Ryan and Jerry Stiller to get to him. I finally approached him and what happened??? I had the Ralphie visiting Santa Claus moment. I wanted to tell him all about my Red Ryder BB Gun, but all that come out of my mouth was that I wanted a football! Actually I think what I said was "I watched your DVD (wasn't specific) and learned a lot from the director's cut. I want to become a writer because of you." WHAT? What the hell did that mean? As I wanted to clarify, he was being pulled on stage but he was nice enough to wish me good luck. I wanted to grab his leg and tell him how great he is, but nope, I missed my chance...or did I?

You see, after the ceremony, the honoree stuck around. Aha! I thought. A chance for redemption. However, fate was not on my side that night. As I walked up to him once again, I could see him thinking...ok here comes crazy lady. My friend who is from Nantucket was there and urged me to ask him for a pic. I asked him and he was gracious enough to pose with me and my friend. His little girl was there and didn't want to be in the picture, but decided to take the picture instead. If Tyra has taught me anything, it is that getting shot from the ground up is NOT a flattering angle. Also, it was hot as balls in the tent, and I was sweating like a whore in church (I love that saying). The picture that came to be, could be the worst photo of me of all time. I think of the scene in 16 Candles when Ted asks his friends to take a pic of the hot girl in the Rolls and all they got was his eye. I wanted this perfect moment to be realized in a perfect picture and instead I got this:

Horrible, I know! I mean, worst. picture. ever. I have crazy eyes! I have 4 chins! I am beyond shiny. I kid you not, his daughter told me I looked funny after she took the photo. I was too excited to even look before he left, assuming it couldn't be that bad. God I wish I asked for a re-do. I hate this pic and love it at the same time, because I remember how excited and happy I was to meet him and how nice and low key he was. It was a great event and I went last year and plan on going this year, but that night was super special. If only I had a good picture to prove it. Hopefully one day I will meet him again and I can redeem myself!

PS- I will bet you all 10 dollars that my mom gets mad I posted this picture because I look so horrible!!

Song of the Day: One More Chance, The Notorious B.I.G., " Fuck the past, let's dwell on the 500 SL."

Wow--never realized how dirty these lyrics are...that was the tamest line in the song!


  1. Mom IS you have to use the F bomb? Trashy. I always thought that picture of you was a classic. HAHA.

  2. MOM! I didn't use the F word---Biggie mad at him...

  3. I love that I am cropped out in this photo :)
