Saturday, April 17, 2010

Grey in L.A.

Well, it's not really grey, but it IS super smoggy. So this is the week. The week I traipse around LA and think about if I really want to move out here. However, before I even landed this afternoon, I am afraid I am already leaning towards no. Why? Because I hate to fly.

I have been on a plane probably over 100 times in my life and I still get nervous. I hate it. It's something I can't shake. So usually the night before I am a ball of nerves and can't get any sleep and then am all paranoid on the flight. I hate it.

So here is my funny story of the day. I barely got ANY sleep last night so I was particularly cranky and panic attack-y. I flew Virgin which I can not rave about more. It is amazing. You just order food on a screen and people come to annoying carts! Plus you can watch movies, TV, listen to music etc. I really like it. But that's not my point. Let's get back to the "listening to music part."

Around Denver we started getting a lot of turbulence so I decided to watch episodes of Curb to calm my nerves and watch someone who is more neurotic than I am. So here I am listening via my Ipod headphones but I can hear this music and it is driving me nuts. I realized that it was probably coming from the guy in front of me who had on ginormous earphones. I was annoyed. Why are you listening to your music so loud that I can hear it from behind you. However, it was really light, and I noticed it was JT, and hey I like James Taylor. I tried to watch TV amid the bumps, getting more and more sure that the plane is going to drop 10,000 ft, and this guy's music is getting louder. I try leaning in to try and hear how loud his friggin headphones can be! Then I hear Elton John--hey I like that song too.

I am getting more and more annoyed with this guy. Next I hear Phish...what the heck is his guy listening too? Let me qualify my next move by telling you that when I fly I get really nervous and jumpy and have little tolerance for anything. I finally tapped the guy on the shoulder and asked him in my most Laura passive aggressive nice way to please turn down his music because I can hear it all the way in my seat. Mind you I was being a little cranky, but this guy looked at me so evil and said, "I don't know what the hell you're talking about...I'm watching CNN." I got a smackdown...but was still confused. Where the hell is this music coming from? And it's getting loud!

Then I hear this obscure song that I have on my Ipod. Hmmm, that's odd. I lean by my purse. The music is now disco-level. Yep, it was coming from my Ipod. No one ever told me that the new Ipod has a speaker so you can hear music even without the earphones on!!!! Every time I kicked under my seat in annoyance, the volume was going up!I was mortified. Luckily the person next to me was asleep and didn't catch my horrible mistake. And no, I didn't apologize to the guy.

So now I am at my hotel and want to sleep but am dying to go out and see what LA has to offer. More updates to come.

Song of the Day: Married with Children, Oasis, "Your music's shite it keeps me up all night, up all night."


  1. That is too funny!! Ahhh the joys of technology LOL

    Thanks for the chuckle Laura.

  2. Passive- aggressive ?? I don't believe it.
